
Recent decisions and a series of measures adopted by Saudi Arabia all point to a clear change in the way the kingdom will be handling relations with Lebanon   by Esperance Ghanem &[...]
The conflict has morphed into a “many-headed beast”. It took Syria two to three years to reach this point. Yemen has done it in a few months by IRIN As ceasefires go, t[...]
IS hopes to fan sectarian tensions and exploit Sunni hatred for Shiites to build a cadre inside the kingdom, Bruce Riedel writes. by Bruce Riedel – Al Monitor The Islamic Sta[...]
A survey of the current state of the region suggests that this summer will witness a serious escalation on all the major fronts[...]
Saudi Arabia has failed militarily, Iran politically, while the military capacity of the Houthis and Saleh dwindled and prevented them from exercising absolute control on the groun[...]
Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal warned this month that a deal between Tehran and the so-called P5+1 powers (Britain, France, China, Russia, the United States plus Germany) could spark[...]
Washington and its Arab allies have launched air strikes on IS targets in Syria. But the coalition remains as divided as ever about what to do next. Salah Nasrawi reports.[...]