Since the French proposal does not stipulate sanctions and mandatory steps in case of failure of the negotiations, it means that we will return to the vicious cycle of negotiations[...]
Israel commenced a policy of deportation against leaders and activists within the Palestinian political and social communities immediately following the occupation of 1967. This po[...]
Israel’s escalation in Jerusalem is not crazy, but logical and consistent political behaviour meant to create new facts on the ground. Nassar Ibrahim explores. [...]
Israel in geopolitical terms is America in microcosm. My Lai and Deir Yassin massacres share certain elements in common: specific concrete structure, policies and values of societi[...]
The agreement passes nominal control over Gaza’s borders and the transfer of reconstruction materials to the PA and UN in order to bypass and weaken Hamas. But the overseers – and [...]
A Palestinian hit-and-run suspect is sent to prison and winds up dead; a Jewish suspected of a similar but deadlier crime in the West Bank is sent home to his family. [...]
Strong, democratic states are an antidote to ISIS-style extremism. As such, a strong Palestinian state is in the interests of Israel, the United States, and the entire Middle East.[...]
Twenty years of Oslo statehood’s illusion have damaged every single achievement by the Palestinian liberation movement, wasted countless sacrifices, and smoked-screened the very co[...]
Empowering Palestinian youth to become Palestine’s future leaders and to transform them from spectators to actors Bethlehem – On September 26 and 27, the Diyer Civic E[...]
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