Some Arab States have rushed to accept the idea of an alliance with Israel against Iran even though have set some faint-hearted preconditions to justify such an action, writes the [...]
The newly elected members of Fatah’s Central Committee failed to appoint a vice president, as controversy surrounds imprisoned leader Marwan Barghouti, who received the highest num[...]
The State of Israel retained Ottoman law in the West Bank but offered a new, restrictive interpretation to these clauses. The aim is the dispossession[...]
Studies say that Palestinians in Gaza drink the filtered but impure water because they have no choice. A few hundred families are wealthy enough to buy mineral water every day. Oth[...]
The young Palestinian living in Gaza City has launched a campaign to open a public library in the Strip. He encourages donors to send their volumes from abroad in order to offer Ga[...]
Arab and international meetings designed to push forward the Palestinian-Israeli peace process have little, if any, chance of success, writes Dina Ezzat[...]
INTERVIEW. Abed Salaymeh, “Open the Zone” campaign spokesperson: «Palestinian children born under occupation live in an environment of humiliation and dehumanization»[...]
The new general director, Mahmoud Hawari: this museum will cross the political and geographic borders and will connect all the Palestinians, in Palestine and in exile [...]
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