
 Those calling for endless negotiations do not seem to comprehend that that is exactly what we have been doing, and that this path has led us to catastrophe, rather than to the pro[...]
Israeli students explain why they refuse to serve in the army and the main reason for this refusal is their opposition to the military occupation of Palestinian territories   [...]
Contending with a regime of work permits, limited rights and ethnic discriminations, this situation makes very difficult for workers to organize themselves in trade unions.[...]
In Israel, writes Yaron London, is okay to arrange a consumer boycott of a bank that undermines orthodox Jewish values or a factory that charges exorbitant prices. But it is forbi[...]
Has the seemingly permanent nature of Israeli control over the Palestinians rendered the legal term ‘occupation’ invalid?[...]
In Ain al-Tineh, opposite the occupied town of Majdal Shams, Syrians are back to commemorating the time when the residents of the occupied Golan Heights refused to take up Israeli [...]
Un documentario australiano racconta le violazioni dei diritti dell’infanzia da parte dei soldati israeliani. Maltrattamenti “inaccettabili”, secondo il portavoce del ministero deg[...]